Meanwhile there were many ups and downs in the parish , but devotion to Infant Jesus increased steadily. There were many new faces in church and the attendence increased. By this time our shed was weather beaten and looking dilapidated. Soon it was December and we began choir singing again. Another X`mas programme was planned and very well executed by the children of our parish, on 23rd December, immediately after Sunday mass. Hats off to all the organizers and participants..
Church at chirstmas, that's the crib at the far right... sorry I don't have a better picture.
Christmas mass and New Year mass were well attended. Then we began planning for the Infant Jesus festival. Building a church was our main purpose, so we did not want to spend lavishly on the festival. We decided to have a five day festival starting from Jan 10th to Jan 14th. Special decorators were called to make the shed as presentable as possible. Again we had many sponsors for the sound system, decorations, chairs, etc. etc. The flag was hoisted on the 10th of Jan at 6: 30pm, amidst singing and clapping. Everyday there were about three to four priests celebrating Mass. Phidalys our special organist was superb. On Sunday, the 4th day of the festival, First Holy Communion was given to 8 children. It was a great day, the service was very meaningful and beautiful. The photographers kept to their places but tackling the crowd was a bit tough. That same evening we had holy hour for three hours, followed by benediction. Father took pains in making this holy hour very special. After that there was dinner for one and all, sponsored by Five Star Caterers. The children kept finishing off the ice-cream and they kept supplying more and more. Everyone had a good time. The festival ended the next day on Jan 14th, with a high Mass after which the flag was brought down.