Saturday, November 10, 2007


In those days we just informed a few ladies who we knew would be interested in joining a choir, that is how we got to know Maggie. She has leadership qualities and she soon got the choir in order, they kept improving with every song. It was not an easy job, every Sunday after Mass the chairs and the heavy alter table had to be hauled over the compound wall to the neighbouring land where it would be safe. The mike, speakers, amplifiers etc. had to be carried upstairs to the neighbouring house, the other mass articles had to be packed in a bag. The tent had to be dismantled (we couldn't leave the tent up due to the strong winds). Every Saturday evening everything had to be set up again. People willingly pitched in to help set up the tents and take it down again after every mass. Then the Lenten season arrived along with the monsoon season in full swing, this was when we witnessed the first miracle. Not once did it rain during the mass or during the Stations of the Cross . It used to rain just before or after the service but never during mass. We were all grateful to the Lord for His mercies.


Anonymous said...

The Choir is really good in Infant Jesus Church (Ngl) especially the English Choir, the young gals with their young energetic voices so wonderfully they sing during the Mass.

I have the privilege of singing in the Sunday mass once with this amazing singing group…

Karen Xavier said...

wow, tina that is a wonderful thing to say... and that is one of the things I miss the most after coming here to chennai.

  • Karen
  • Tina